Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Tokyo- Day 3

On our third day in Tokyo we got to visit the Studio Ghibli museum. I am a big fan of Ghibli, and was really excited to see what the museum would be like inside. When we got there, it certainly didnt let us down. The museum was so magical, it was almost like you were in a Ghibli film. It was bright and colourful and had such a charm to it, with little arched doorways and spiral stair cases, every bit of interior design had been elaborately thought out and it made the experience so magical. Although photographs werent allowed, i managed to get a few sneaky ones.
Image may contain: plant, tree, outdoor and indoor
A Sneaky photo of one of the windows in the bathroom

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A photo i found online of the zoetrope
My favourite room in the studio ghibli museum, that i WISH I could have taken photos in, was one were they tried to replicate a ghibli animators work space. The room was covered in sketches, concept art and designs for various Ghibli titles, and it was so inspiring and beautiful to look at. I could have stayed in that room for hours. There was also a big open plan room that had an amazing zoetrope device that spun mega fast so that the figurines spinning looked like they were moving. We must havee sat and watched this for about half an hour, it was so enchanting to look at. Another favourite room of mine was one that had a life size version of the catbus, covered in fluff and it was SO squishy. 
After we left the Studio Ghibli museum, we made our way on the metro to Harajuku. This was one of the places i was most excited about visiting, and it didnt disappoint. It was filled with cute fashion and food and had such a buzzing atmosphere. We did most of our shopping here, and also got a glimpse into what its like to be a japanese teenager, seeing a Jpop boy band perform in a shoppig centre to their adoring fans. It was so different to anything we have here it was quite a culture shock. 
I think I would have needed at least a fortnight in Japan to truely do all the things i wanted to do, but in the three days we were there we managed to do so much stuff it felt like longer than it was. I definitely want to visit Japan again, its probably my favourite place ive ever been to. Who knows, maybe one day I could have the chance to live there. Image may contain: 1 person, night and outdoor

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