Monday, February 20, 2017


I rewatched Coraline for about the 50th time on the plane to Japan last month. I love this film because I am a big fan of spooky things and I think its such a good example of this and how animation doesn't just have to be really childish and light hearted themes. There's no other animation like it that creates such a suspenseful and creepy atmosphere and that has such an interesting storyline. I also love that the film is stop motion, I think it really backs up the stories ominous story line because it can look so creepy, especially the way the characters move and I think the film would have lost alot of its charm if they had done it in 2D or 3D. I am a fan of Neil Gaiman's books because of the amount of imagination and creativity that goes into his stories and this depiction of this story suited it perfectly. I think its a perfect example of how both adults and children can enjoy animation. I love stories with hidden mysteries and different dimensions so Coraline is really one of my favourites. I also think the moral in the story is great, and I love how they presented Coralines desires when she gets to her 'perfect' dimension but how things slowly start to take a darker turn.

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