Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Fraser Mclean talk

Today we had a presentation from a professional who has worked on lots of great films such as Wh Framed Roger Rabbit, Tarzan and Space Jam. He explained how he got into such prestigious companies and I found the talk really inspiring. He told us how drawings he had done when he was younger which were almost hyper realistic helped him get into Disney. I found this inspiring and it made me really want to draw more, because I have quite a realistic style and have never been very good at drawing from my memory, which I thought would be essential to be good at drawing in a cartoon-like style. I also was amazed at how much effort he described that went into these films; for example, he told us how he and a team of others were in charge of the shading on a single background character in Who Framed Roger Rabbit, who was on screen for about 4 seconds in total.
 He also explained how 3D was used in Tarzan which was so hard to get my head around because I didnt think there was a way to merge 3D and 2D. However, I watched Tarzan shortly after the talk and I really noticed all the times 3D was used to enhance the film and how much depth it added. There are many times in the film where you can see the effect 3D has on the movie but I think one of my favourites is at the end of the 'Son of Man' song where Tarzan is sliding and swinging through the trees. The camera moves to get the perfect angles and it looks really special.

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