Wednesday, February 15, 2017


I wasn't too excited about Moana being released, especially because i was just expecting another fad like Frozen, which I wasn't a fan of at all. When I actually got around to watching it, I was pleasantly surprised. My favourite aspect of the film was definitely the visuals, particularly the backgrounds. After watching the Making of Moana on youtube and seeing how much work went into the tiny details like clay modelling the mountains in the backgrounds and then scanning them and colouring them. One of the most beautiful visuals in the film has to be the water, and as it was such an intrinsic part of the story the animation team at Disney came up with a new water solver technology called APIC, combining naturalistic effects with performance in which data sets were allocated more efficiently. They dubbed the toolset Splash. You can really see how much better Moana looks than Frozen, Tangled etc. 


Another thing I loved about Moana was the musical side of the film. Disney always seems to manage to produce great songs regardless of the story. One of the things that annoyed me in the film was that Moana has the exact same personality as every other Disney princess; I can barely differentiate between her, Rapunzel, and Anna from frozen. This is more of a 'Disney flaw rather than the story but I would like to see a heroine with a bit of a variation in personality.

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