Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Visiting Professional - Kate Lander- Brown Bag

We recently had a talk from Kate Lander from Brown bag studios. She gave us some tips on becoming employable. Although i am not that interested in pursuing a career with brown bag, as they don't focus on motion design, I found this talk really useful and informative. Some of the things she told us included;
-To look for internships and entry level jobs - She said it was probably a bad idea to go freelance as soon as we graduate, because no one will know who we are or our work, so working for a studio is better in the meantime until you become more well known.
-Start being professional in other aspects of your life - i found this a good tip and it is something i have been trying to adopt myself.
-She explained that the speed at which you work is very important to the company, because setbacks can cost the company a lot of money.
-She advised us that we should make connections with professionals whos work we admire on linkedin, and see whether they would give us feedback on our work.

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