Thursday, April 19, 2018

Study Task 8 - Commissions and freelance

Commissions are something im really interested in giving a go. Because of my lack of confidence in my work, ive never thought of charging people for it when i would draw some things for them, but the seminar we had on this made me realise you have to be ready to charge people for what your work is worth. Before the seminar, i probably would have settled on about £30 for a drawing, regardless of how much time it had taken me or what materials i had to use. Now that im thinking of it in these terms, i think £10 an hour is a much fairer price while im still a student. If i work freelance after i graduate, i imagine this number will go up as i wont have student finance to support me anymore and also i imagine the quality of my work will have improved by then...hopefully.

I found trying to make my own agreement to work and invoice alot more difficult than i was expecting. I dont really have a mind for things like that, and although looking up different examples of artist agreement to work templates i know ive probably missed out alot of things on mine. 

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