Thursday, April 12, 2018

Study task 7- Copy Shop

At this moment in time. i dont actually post much of my work online, except for on my personal instagram account. I havent really ever thought about protecting my work, because i cant see anyone really wanting to pass it off as their own, although i know this is a bad attitude to have. I intend to make myself a watermark when i make different accounts solely dedicated to my artwork, but currently i dont really think it is necessary. My instagram is public and can be messaged by anyone if they are interested in my work, but i should probably advertise more that i would be willing to do commissions. I also realise not having a social media account purely for my work means that it is harder for me to be discovered, but at the minute i really dont feel confident enough in my ability to make one just yet, however this is something i definitely intend to do soon.

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