Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Twilight Princess

Twilight Princess is probably my favourite game in the Legend of Zelda franchise. What I particularly loved about the game is how much darker and morbid it is than the other Zelda games, it creates a really immersive atmosphere and gives the game alot of depth. Not only is the game visually darker than most of the other Zelda games, such as Skyward Sword, which has a bright and more cartoon-like aesthetic, but the story itself is darker and has much scarier enemies. What really makes the game feel so dark is the sense of loneliness and isolation in it, you can visit locations that were in older Zelda games, for example, Lon Lon Ranch which was in Ocarina of time, but in Twilight Princess you find these places completely desecrated whereas before they were so full of life. The evil in Twilight princess can literally be seen, as a dark shadow falls over the land. The colors are darker and more somber, the music isn't quite as bright and upbeat; also the fact that during parts of the game you are playing through a never-ending twilight where people no longer really exist but don't realize there is something wrong really makes the game an atmospheric experience. 
Image result for twilight princess hyruleImage result for twilight princess twilight realm

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