Friday, November 4, 2016

"Loving Vincent"

Van Gogh is my all time favourite artist, so when i heard of this animated films production I was really excited. "Loving Vincent" will be the worlds first feature length animation done entirely in oil paintings. The film has required more than 100 artists to paint the 12 frame a second animation, all of whom were taught how t paint in a style similar to Van Gogh's. It is supposed to be released at some point this year. The film will focus on Van Gogh's life and also on his controversial death, asking wether he killed himself or if he was actually murdered. It will be based off the many letters he sent to his brother Theo and will feature interviews with the characters closest to Vincent while he lived. I am excited to see how they present the chapter of Van Gogh's life that he spent with Gaugin. I can't wait to see this film as what I've seen so far looks absolutely amazing, as if Van Gogh himself had painted every frame. In total there will be 56,800 hand painted frames. I can't even imagine how much work it must be taking to make the film.



                  The trailer:

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