Sunday, November 19, 2017

Study Task 5

My current social media include:

I mostly use these social media for personal things, however I do often post my work on my personal instagram account. My DeviantArt has been abandoned for a few years and consists of bad anime drawings from when I was younger, but I would be interested in reviving it with more current work. I also intend to branch out by using LinkedIn to make more connections, and I intend to make an instagram account purely for my work, however at the minute i dont feel that my work is up to the standard i want it to be for me to make one. I think i will also make a vimeo account to post actual animation on, and eventually a facebook page dedicated to my art as well. I dont think making a twitter account would be that beneficial for me, because its less about image and more about what you have to say, but im sure it is useful for other purposes.

Study Task 4- Networking

10 Networking Oppourtunities
Face to Face-
-Manchester Animation Festival
-Dublin Animation Festival
-Collaborations with students from other courses/unis
-Leeds illo
-University visitor talks

-Messaging professionals on instagram
-Emailing stuidos about possible internships
-Online Forums/ Responding to live briefs

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

SWOT Analysis

The SWOT analysis helped me to determine some of my strengths and weaknesses, from my own analysis and from my peers feedback.

My strengths that I identified are mainly in drawing. I also think I am good at adapting to using new software such an Adobe Animate and Photoshop. I am also hardworking and determined.

The weaknesses that I and my peers identified were mostly along the lines of confidence in my own ability and in general. I struggle with anxiety so this makes things like presentations or socialising a weakness for me. I also often put my work down and become very easily discouraged when Im not good at something right away, and compare myself to others a lot. I also worry too much about what other people will think of my work.