Friday, April 28, 2017

The Lego Movie

I wasnt too enthusiastic about seeing this movie, but I gave it a chance and actually found i really liked it. I wasnt expecting to like the humour but i actually found it really funny, bringing all the characters together from different pop culture worked really well together and the link between the story in lego and 'real life' was really interesting at the end. I think the references throughout the film really made it stand out as more than a childrens film.
Image result for the lego movie

The Pink Panther

The Pink panther was my favourite cartoon as a child; I remember renting the same video again and again. I loved the mystery of it and the way it looked, with simple block colours, and how clever the pink panther was and how he found solutions to his problems that took advantage of the animation aspect, like painting a door on the wall and walking through it.  I still watch some of the short episodes on youtube nostalgically; I realise why i liked it so much as a child now. I think the lack of narration with just the simple music in the background also adds to the individuality of the show.
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Bee and puppycat

Bee and puppycat is a short animated series on youtube. I discovered this series a few years ago and I loved it. I love the art style in particular with the pastel colours and how cute it all is. I would love to one day be able to animate stuff like this, the simple story really appeals to me and I love how surreal it can be sometimes. The humour also really appeals to me in the series. The detail in the backgrounds is also a reason i love the look of the show so much.Image result for bee and puppycat logoImage result for bee and puppycat